Wednesday, January 02, 2008

ramblings - that time again

It's that time of the year again - the beginning. And every year, I, as well as countless others, share thoughts on how to deal with each year, or at least, what we should be thinking about this time of the year.

Every year, I spend the end in introspection and the beginning in planning. I lay out what I need to accomplish and review it at the end. My level of success? I can't honestly say it is high. My next collection of poetry is still in the making - it's been top of the list for two years now. At the same time, I do feel I have accomplished quite a bit, that wasn't on the list. How often do we take for granted what we have achieved, always looking for the 'big' moments when all the 'small' ones add up to more?

This year I've decided to take a different approach. We can't plan everything and, sometimes, our rigid plans make us feel even worse coz, the minute they veer off course, we are thrown into confusion. So, for 2008, I say, make plans but go with the flow. Make things come but focus on being fluid and flexible so you can change direction without too much pain.

Just a thought

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