Tuesday, February 14, 2006

instant poetry

Like thousands of writers in a bid to improve the words we put on blank pages, and to awaken the muse, I am building a little library of poetry and writing related books. My new 'toy' is a. Penguin Rhyming Dictionary I picked up today to replace the one that sprouted feet, jumped off my shelf and strolled out my house.

Anyway, this mini-collection includes a lovely book called A Writer's Book of Days by Judy Reeves, which has quotes and tips on writing, with the primary one being around writing practice. It is recommended that a writer must set an appointment with him/herself every day and just write. To facilitate this process, the book has a 'topic' for every day of the year as inspiration.

I have, over the last few years, tried to maintain this habit, to varying levels of success. I have a poetry journal that I write in whenever I get the chance, which is not as often as I'd like. To improve on this, I have often tapped a few lines into my phone just before I switch off the bedside lamp. Well, now that I've had my mind opened to the capacity to post by email, I've been toying with how to take advantage of this, in the hope that it will have some relevance.

I have created a new blog, Imperfect Poetry (http://imperfectpoetry.blogspot.com), on which I will attempt to post my midnight ramblings on a daily basis - starting tomorrow. It will be raw, unedited, at times interesting, often nonesensical and confusing, but also a peak into the stuff that often sits in my notebooks, never to been seen. Would be nice to hear your thoughts / comments on whether I should go with this or not.

Blog currently blank but link already on The Imperfect Poetry, will start posting tomorrow. Easy


Helen said...

"The Artist's Way" by Julia Cameron directs us to write 3 pages when we wake in the morning. Three pages, every morning. I did it for over a year. There are so many wonderfully creative exercizes in this book. I loved it.
Much luck with the new blog!

Kojo Baffoe said...

Thanks H, friend of mine has a copy of "The Artist's Way" and loves it. Will check it out.

Anonymous said...

Go for it! It'll be great for yourself as a literary artist to have a space where you can just create, not having to worry about presenting the polished, finished product. There is something incredibly beautiful in the "rawness" of words coming straight from your creative, live and uncensored.